Photography Tour Of Sicily, Monday Evening, February 13

The Sicilian cart maker’s shop, Ragusa Ibla. Join me and Don Toothaker of Photography in Sicily for a Visual Tour of Sicily on Monday, February 13 at 7pm Eastern online! Register for this complimentary event at And read our February 2023 newsletter at

Exploring Ragusa Ibla

Yesterday, I spent a splendid morning exploring the secret staircases and hidden alleyways of Ragusa Ibla. I was imagining what life must have been like when these viccoli where traveled more regularly by residents. After climbing dozens of stairs in out-of-the-way sections of town, I sat in the Piazza Duomo enjoying this lovely view of…

Mystical Ragusa Ibla, This Spring, With Experience Sicily

Ragusa Ibla captures one’s imagination. And for good reason. This beautiful baroque, yet ancient city on a hilltop, possess a mystical sense hard to explain. Over the past 20 years it has evolved into one of Sicily’s hot destinations, perhaps because it is one of the “sets” of Vigata, the fictional home of Inspector Montalbano….

Brown Cows In Sicily

Modican cows are a beautiful breed that are primarily cultivated in southeastern Sicily. Their milk is used to make excellent cheese and ricotta. Note that the cannoli in Ragusa Province, where this photo was taken) are (more often than not) made with ricotta from Modican cows.

Lindsay’s Inspector Montalbano Tour

“I highly recommend Experience Sicily for creating a wonderful tour of the film set locations of Camilleri’s internationally acclaimed fictional detective, Inspector Montalbano. The fulsome itinerary included viewing the interior of the ‘Vigata police station’ at Scicli, with the highlight of the day being a walk along Punta Secca beach outside Montalbano’s house. Damiano was…

Crispelle For San Martino

November 11 is La Festa di San Martino, Saint Martin’s Day. Each province in Sicily celebrates differently. In the town of Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa Province), citizens eat sweet and savory crispelle, like these made with fennel seeds, pictured, together with cooked wine. Importantly, the Feast of San Martino marks when wine makers taste the novello,…