Thank You! More To Come

Thank you! Grazie! Thank you to everyone who has participated in the online Experience Sicily events I’ve hosted over the past three months. Thank you for your support and encouragement as I navigate these new seas. I’m planning more online gatherings for fall, and I hope you’ll join me. Although we can’t yet travel to…

Cook, Eat, and Explore Sicily In September

During Stirring Sicily, our hands-on cooking in Sicily tour from September 19-26, we’ll delight in a boat excursion to see L’Arco Azzurro (the Blue Arch), pictured here, among other sites, along Sicily’s coast at Capo Zafferano. Join us! Contact me today at to take advantage of a special offer. Let’s cook, eat, savor wine,…

If These Boats Could Talk

Boats at Aspra, the fishing village of Bagheria In Aspra, there is a museum focused on anchovy fishing and all things anchovy: Museo dell’Acciuga di Aspra. Although I haven’t yet been, since this type of fishing was done by my family (in these waters) for centuries, while in Sicily the next few weeks, I hope…

At Ease In Lo Zingaro

Close your eyes and take a breath. When you open them, imagine that you are here, at the sea of Lo Zingaro Nature Preserve feeling the wind in your hair as your catamaran boat takes you along the Tyrrhenian coastline. Imagine feeling totally at ease and refreshed. It can happen in Sicily. This moment can…