Tumminia, Sicily’s Ancient Grain

Tumminia (pictured at Molini del Ponte in Castelvetrano), also called Timilia, is an ancient grain variety cultivated in only a few locations in the Belice Valley in western Sicily. Once milled, it plays the role of principal ingredient in Castelvetrano’s Slow Food designated pane nero (black bread). Filippo Drago, owner of Molini del Ponte in Castelvetrano, makes…

Castelvetrano’s Black Bread

With a dark, hard crust and dark, gold dough, Castelvetrano’s traditional “Black Bread” is something special. So much so, that it’s registered by Slow Food as a protected recipe. What makes it “black” is the special mixture of Sicilian durum wheat flour and tumminìa or timilia flour. Tumminìa flour is milled from a rare, ancient…