Always Make Time To Dance

My time in Catania, Sicily’s second largest city, during this trip was packed with wonder, and even if it’s not officially a tarantella, 🎶 “Vitti ‘na crozza” gave me an opportunity to dance under la Fontana dell’Elefante, effectionaltely known as Liotru, in the Piazza Duomo.

Bella Tarantella

Today, the tarantella (shown in this painting) is still alive and danced and played socially in many parts of southern Italy. In modern-day Sicily, however, it’s danced most often by organized folk music and dance ensembles at feasts and festivals. There remains a very strong folk music culture throughout the island, where you’ll find musicians…

Abballati! Abballati! A Traditional Tarantella

“Abballati, abballati, Fimmini schetti e maritati, E si n’abballati bonu, Non vi cantu e non vi sonu…” “Abballati Abballati!” is a traditional Sicilian tarantella. “Abballati” is an invitation to dance… “Single and married women (next verse: single and married men), and if you don’t dance well, I’m not going to sing or play for you!”…