Yellow Watermelon Custard, Gelu Di Mulune

In honor of the Ferragosto holiday, I made gelu di mulune, a traditional Sicilian summer dessert, yet with yellow watermelon from my New York State farmers market. Then added Modica chocolate pieces and fresh pistachios from San Biagio Platini (Agrigento). So to repeat my explanation from a couple of weeks ago…

Ideal for a hot summer day, gelu di mulune or, in Italian, gelo d’anguria (or gelo di melone), is a watermelon custard that is served chilled, in little cups. This one, made at the not-to-be-missed shop of il Monastero di Santa Caterina d’Alessandria in Palermo, is topped with chocolate chips (Jasmine flowers and crushed pistachio are added upon serving it). Ingredients include watermelon, sugar, corn starch, chocolate chips, jasmine, and natural flavors.

To quote Harry Styles’ latest pop hit, “I just want to taste it…”

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